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How to convert klu cgpa to percentage
To convert your klu gpa to percentage you need to subtract your gpa by 0.75 and multiply it by 10.
So the formula to convert your klu cgpa to percentage is:
(cgpa - 0.75) * 10
where cgpa is your klu cgpa
For example, if your klu gpa is 7.75, then your percentage is 7.75 - 0.75 = 7.0 * 10 = 70.0 %
How to use KLU CGPA and SGPA Calculator
Using this simple online KLU CGPA and SGPA calculator, you can calculate your CGPA and SGPA by entering your grades and credits.
For each subject, enter the grade points obtained in the left text field and the subject's credits in the right text field.
Enter this details for all the subjects in a semester. If you want to add more subjects, click on the Add Subject button.
If you have not passed in any of your subject's, Leave the left side grade box of that subject empty. To get accurate results, make sure you have entered the credits of all the subjects.
This calculator will calculate your CGPA and SGPA and display it in real time. So you can easily see how your GPA is changing and what subject can have what effect on your GPA.
How is KLU SGPA Calculated
To calculate your Semester Grade Point Average(SGPA) at KL University First convert your grades to grade points.
For example, if you have scored a grade of O, then your grade points are 10. If you have scored a grade of A+, then your grade points are 9 and so on. In the same way, if you have failed or got detained in a subject your grade points are 0.
For the numerator Multiply the grade points by the credits of the subject. Do this for all the subjects in a semester and add them.
For the denominator get the sum of all your credits
Divide the numerator by the denominator.
Your klu SGPA is the result of this division.
How is KLU CGPA Calculated
To calculate your Cumulative Grade Point Average(CGPA) at KL University First calculate your Semester Grade Point Average(SGPA) for every semester and also calculate total credits for each semester
For the numerator Multiply the Semester's gpa by the Total credits of that semester. Do this for all the semesters and add them.
For the denominator get the sum of all your credits from all the semesters
Divide the numerator by the denominator.
Your klu CGPA is the result of this division.